The program comes with the old, but strong, fritz 5.32 engine, and fritz 6 can be used from Chessbase light. There are also a few other free Chessbase engines for download. Aside from playing against fritz, you can use program to analyze your games, study opening statistics, and organize engine matches. One of its most useful abilities is to create and search large databases in either pgn or cbv format. You'll need an opening book such as the hand-tuned RybkaII.ctg.You could download a large database from Norm Pollock's site, or view the latest games from The Week in Chess.
Fritz 5.32 (I'm guessing the first 32 bit version) dates from about 20 years ago, I think. That is available for download via the wayback machine here. Note that you will probably need to install it in compatibility mode as Windows 98/ME on Windows 7. Not sure if you can do this on Win 10.
Fritz 5.32 Opening Book Download
Just a few of the customization tools include features like five distinct modes of play (blitz, long, sparring, friendly, and handicap), each with many adjustable parameters, help in multiple forms (spy, threatened squares, hints, take back options, and more), a comprehensive opening book repertoire, and tactical advice. The level of help players receive from the program varies according to personal preference, from setting Fritz to play like a moron (one of nine pre-configured selectable levels) to unleashing the full power of no-holds barred grandmaster-level gameplay.
Analysis options range from deep position to blunder searches, comparative analyses between chess engines, solving for checkmate, classifying openings, and much more. In addition to the Fritz 8 chess engine, the program also offers Comet B50, Crafty 19.01, and Fritz 5.32 versions, multiple chess notation save formats, more than a dozen languages, various clock styles and computer "thinking" parameters, and an option to input user-created UCI (Universal Chess Interface) engines. Players can build personal databases, an ELO rating, or sign in as beginner, hobby, or club player.
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Deep Junior 13 comes with its own huge chess opening book by GM Alon Greenfeld in Chessbase ctg format (511Mb download) for use in all Chessbase or compatible GUIs. The OwnBook engine parameter enables use of the Deep Junior own engine book which is much smaller than the ctg book. We recommend the use of the ctg book with book learning on for all official testing.
The opening book is separated from the chess engine, so you will be able in the future to download updated opening books from and to install them on your Palm without the need to reinstall the entire program.
ChessV is a universal chess program designed to be capable of playing a (potentially) unlimited number of chess variants. It provides support for opening books, pawn structure hash tables, and other features of commercial chess programs. Free.
The Deep Fritz 12 program and chess engine are exactly the same as the one you get on the DVD. Only the opening book and the database of games have been reduced in size, in order to keep download times reasonable. Details are given below. 2ff7e9595c